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Thanks for taking a moment to get to know what we are passionate about…

Serving need in the world around us has always been part of the heartbeat of our family and our next adventure is serving in Mauritius and Madagascar for 2017. In these places we will be doing community and charity based work amongst people less fortunate than us.

What will we be doing?

Our work in Mauritius for 2017 will involve researching the viability of a multi-modality health clinic that may be established in the future. Such a clinic may, in the future, host visiting volunteer therapists from around the world who wish to serve and eventually commence training for Mauritian nationals in Myotherapy. In Madagascar close friends have commenced an organisation called Les Pecheurs (French for ‘The Fisherman’). This young organisation has already trained hundreds of individuals in micro business skills in order to help them lift themselves out of the poverty cycle.

                     Give a man a fish and feed him for a day.

                     Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

Les Pecheurs is called ‘The Fisherman’ because it is based on the principle of teaching a man to fish and feeding him for a lifetime. This charity has also built a medical clinic just this year, serving one of the villages regional to the capital. We intend to use Mauritius as a base and travel the one-hour flight across to Madagascar to serve in Madagascar as we are able.

How did this come about?

My grandfather worked in Mauritius some 40 years ago. In 2015 I was invited by locals from Mauritius to visit the work that my grandfather had commenced.

I just knew we had to invest ourselves in these nations for a season.

Being in Mauritius gave us opportunity to visit Les Pecheurs in the neighbouring country of Madagascar and see the work commenced by a Geelong businessman and good friend. Whilst we were there I just knew that we were meant to invest ourselves for a season into these nations.

Stay connected.

If you are one of my patients or simply a visitor, please enter your email and stay connected.

If I have your email:

  • I will be sure to inform you ‘Who I recommend’ for treatment while I’m gone.
  • You will be the first to hear when I am back with the diary open taking appointments.
  • You will continue to receive quality articles as I write them, for free.
  • You will get updates from Mauritius and Madagascar as we get about the work.

Posts relating to the work will load throughout 2017 at the bottom of this page.

Partner with us.

Consider partnering with us in the work! We are gathering people of like mind who are prepared to invest in something significant.  Can you partner financially to help us make a difference?

If you are a business owner and wish to support this good work, contact me on the email below in order to discuss how you can partner with us through your business. Use the contact form on this website or just email me on

Finally thank you so much for your loyalty as a patient of King Myotherapy. I will only be gone for 12 months and am looking forward to serving you with high quality Myotherapy treatment when I return.

Looking forward to sharing the stories.Family Photo

Yours sincerely,

Timothy J King and family (Eleisha, Josiah and Bessie)

03 5222 3838