
© Timothy King, King Myotherapy.  All Rights Reserved.  Images, text, video, graphics, and other intellectual property are protected by Australia and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, reengineered, translated, hosted, reproduced, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission. You may not copy, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display or perform, republish, store, transmit, or distribute any of the material on this site without the prior written consent.


This website, text, images, videos, and other materials have been provided as general information for exercise and rehabilitation and are intended for educational purposes. Any individual beginning mentioned, or beginning any other exercise program, should first consult with a qualified health professional. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort and/or dysfunction and consult with a qualified medical professional. Please consult with a physician prior to implementing any rehabilitation or exercise protocol. This website does not contain medical advice. The instructions and advice presented are in no way a substitute for professional testing, instruction, or training. The creator, producer, and distributor of website disclaim any liabilities or loss, personal or otherwise, in connection with the exercises and advice herein.


I may receive compensation from various links that you may click on my website.  This includes Google Ad Words, links to any product on Amazon, and some affiliate products and websites.  If there is a link to a product on my site or emails, I may make a commission on any sale.  My actual compensation on many of those clicks is minimal. I recommend products because I think you’ll benefit from them. I would never endorse a product or website that I have never used or do not like.